Conference Details
Saturday, November 16th, 2024 at Loyola University Maryland in Baltimore, MD 7:30AM-3:30PM
Additional details regarding conference presentations and speakers below
CEUs: Certificate of completion detailing professional development hours of the conference will be provided upon attendance. Registrations before 11/14 will be provided a certificate with a printed name, registrations after 11/14 will be provided a certificate with a handwritten name.
Teachers: As of April 1st, 2024, new Maryland educator licensure regulations went into effect. These new regulations include changes to how teachers complete professional development activities for license renewal. Within the new regulations, teachers now have many more options for professional development outside of Continuing Professional Development courses (CPDs). Professional development activities do not need to be CPDs and can instead be professional development activities that the employee and their employer agree upon in the teacher's Individual Professional Development Plan. Any teacher who is attending Techniques for Success and would like professional development credit for attending can submit evidence of attendance to their employer. For more information on professional development points, please use the following link Professional Development Points.
Occupational Therapists: The TFS Conference has been approved by the Maryland Board of Occupational Therapy Practice as a continuing competency program applying to occupational therapy principles and procedures.
Speech-Language Pathologists: The TFS Conference meets the requirements set forth by ASHA for acceptable professional development opportunities that may be used towards certification maintenance.
Keynote Session: 5 Strategies for Building Inclusive Practices, Dr Deborah Taub
Breakout Sessions:
Using UDL to Make Grade-Level Work Accessible for ALL Students, Dr Deborah Taub
Maximizing Parental Involvement in Developing the IEP, Dr Toni Carr
Enhancing Mathematical Writing for Students with Disabilities, Dr Karen Terrell
Trauma Informed Care: From Introduction to Application, Lynne Fadem
Supporting Students with Disabilities in the Area of Assistive Technology, Alyssa McCarthy
Setting Students Up for a Successful Transition, Rene Averitt-Sanzone