Maximizing Parental Involvement in the Development of the IEP, with Dr Toni Carr

This engaging session is focused on the critical role of parental involvement in the development of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) for students with disabilities. The session will discuss effective strategies to foster collaboration between educators and families, emphasizing how active parental participation as equal partners in the decision-making process leads to more individualized and effective IEPs. Educators will review the importance of parental involvement, discuss barriers to participation and ways to reduce them, and learn innovative but practical strategies for encouraging parental engagement and building strong partnerships with families.

Toni Carr, EdD, is an Assistant Clinical Professor at Loyola University. She has taught graduate courses at Loyola since 2018. Dr. Carr received a Bachelor's Degree from the University of Maryland Baltimore and a Master's Degree and Certificate of Advanced Studies from Johns Hopkins. Additionally, she completed a Doctorate in Instructional and Curriculum Leadership from Northcentral University. Dr. Carr was an elementary principal and assistant principal with Anne Arundel County Public Schools for 20 years. While working for Anne Arundel County Public Schools, she held the following positions: Special Education Resource Teacher, Itinerant Teacher of the Blind and Visually Impaired, and Special Education Classroom Teacher. Dr. Carr also teaches graduate courses at McDaniel College and dissertation courses at the National University. She enjoys sharing her love of teaching and learning at local, national, and international conferences.